Hi Everyone!
This blog introdution is a variety of things we did.
On Thursday Mom, Ian, Jacob, Ellie, Kim, and I all went to see the movie Up in Digital 3-D.
Up has become one of my favorite movies.
It was really good.
We went on vacation to Nashville, TN. and Chattanooga, TN. The pic above is the Hermitage. (Andrew Jackson's home)
Jacob really wanted to see it! He did a report on Andrew Jackson so he was interrested in seeing his house.
This was in Nashville.
The pic above is the Parthenon. It was the same height, lenght, weight, structure,and looked exactly the same.
It was an exact replica of the original Parthenon.
This was in Nashville.
This pic is from Rock City.I thought Rock City was fun to explore.
In the birdhouse you will find the three muskateers.
This was inChattanooga.
Last but not least this pic was at the Chattanooga Aquarium.
Above you may see Ellie and her little friend Penguin.
It was probably my faveorite part.
We also did Ruby Falls and the Incline in Chattanooga.
That was the best vacation yet!
See ya later! : )