Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, My Scrapbook, and My iPod

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's 2010! Yeah!
I watched the ball drop with my family last night and it was pretty fun.
I also started a scrapbook. I am collecting postcards.
Here is my first page!

This is my second page!
This is my third and fourth page!

This is my last page!

It took me a while but it was FUN!!!!
This is my ipod Touch I got for Christmas!
I LOVE it!!! I have used it sooooooooo much!
Every morning my alarm cat wakes me up!
Can you guess who it is?
It's Red.
He comes in my room at like 7:00, jumps on my bed, meows, and to finish it off he licks my face!
I LOVE Red but I am really tired sometimes.
Chatty is doing good!
Today was Fun overall!
I hope ya'll have a good New Year!