HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's 2010! Yeah!
I watched the ball drop with my family last night and it was pretty fun.
I also started a scrapbook. I am collecting postcards.
Here is my first page!
This is my second page!
This is my third and fourth page!
This is my last page!
This is my third and fourth page!
This is my ipod Touch I got for Christmas!
I LOVE it!!! I have used it sooooooooo much!
Every morning my alarm cat wakes me up!Can you guess who it is?
It's Red.
He comes in my room at like 7:00, jumps on my bed, meows, and to finish it off he licks my face!
I LOVE Red but I am really tired sometimes.
Chatty is doing good!
Today was Fun overall!
I hope ya'll have a good New Year!